Initialization problem?

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Initialization problem?

Post by jhhaynes » Tue Aug 20, 2019 2:44 am

Running Windows 10, SDRuno 1.32, RSP1A. When I start up SDRuno, with the RSP1A plugged in, things are
strange at first. I can put in the frequency of a local BC station but it doesn't receive that station, or receives it all
distorted. After I click on one of the ham band buttons then I can go back to the BC frequency and everything
works as expected. I'm new to all this, so am I missing something obvious? Or is there some problem initializing
the system that is fixed by clicking on a ham band button, or some other things?

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Re: Initialization problem?

Post by g1hbe » Tue Aug 20, 2019 8:09 am

Hi Jim. SDRUno has a steep learning curve, especially if you are also new to the world of SDR's in general. If you could post a screenshot of SDRUno (including all visible windows) when it is misbehaving it would help. Maybe we could spot what's going on.
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Re: Initialization problem?

Post by jhhaynes » Thu Aug 22, 2019 12:11 am

Capture1.PNG I started the program, clicked on Play, the frequency was already set to 1.030, audio unintelligible.
Capture2.PNG I clicked on the 80M button, then put the frequency back to 1.030 and mode back to AM and the
BC station comes in normally

The captures were originally PNG files and this program said they were too large to attach. So I converted them to JPG files.
Capture2.JPG (191.23 KiB) Viewed 85622 times
Capture1.JPG (191.02 KiB) Viewed 85622 times
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Re: Initialization problem?

Post by g1hbe » Thu Aug 22, 2019 8:04 am

Hi again Jim.
That's really odd! I can't find any problem with your settings. A first I thought the distortion may be due to the LO and the VFO being the same, but you're in LIF mode so it doesn't matter.
I can only suggest raising a support ticket via the main menu on this site or maybe doing a 'factory reset' via SDRUno's OPT menu.
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Re: Initialization problem?

Post by Tech_Support » Thu Aug 22, 2019 8:20 am

CPU load is up at almost 100%. This will result in severe audio breakup.



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Re: Initialization problem?

Post by jhhaynes » Thu Aug 22, 2019 8:09 pm

Yeah, but it was equally high before and after.
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Re: Initialization problem?

Post by sdrplay » Thu Aug 22, 2019 8:31 pm

Something doesn't look right there, you have sample rates that look like band buttons have been used, but none are depressed. Can you explain the steps you took to get to the position where the audio wasn't right and then when it was?

Best regards,

SDRplay Support

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Re: Initialization problem?

Post by jhhaynes » Fri Aug 23, 2019 12:11 am

Well I think I solved the problem by completely removing and reinstalling SDRuno.
I'll gripe that the installation procedure is confusing - right at the very last screen
but above that it says when you are ready to continue with Setup, click Next.

The important clarification is in the manual where it says Clicking Next will close the installer.
Now connect the RSP(s) and wait for the hardware driver(s) to install before starting
SDRuno. Before I saw that I thought maybe I was supposed to connect the RSP and
then click Next. And even doing it in the right sequence, click Next and then plug in the
RSP, how do I know driver install has completed? So a better wording for the message
would be Click Next and then connect your RSP and allow... just to make the installation
screens agree with the manual instructions.

So I may have done it in the wrong sequence when I previously installed.
Last edited by jhhaynes on Thu Jan 01, 1970 12:00 am, edited 0 times in total.
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