Search found 18 matches
- Sun Sep 01, 2019 10:59 pm
- Forum: SDRuno
- Topic: 10 MHz Bandwidth Question
- Replies: 8
- Views: 245481
Re: 10 MHz Bandwidth Question
Hi VK3MHZ, Do what I do, set VRX 0-00 as the LO frequency, in this case, make it 130.80 MHz and just mute that VRX. Then set up VRX 1 at 125.8 and your highest at 135.8MHz and this will cover the whole 10MHz spectrum for you. The following picture should explain this.
- Mon Aug 12, 2019 10:23 pm
- Forum: General
- Topic: For whomever is doing the videos in the apps catalog
- Replies: 7
- Views: 91000
Re: For whomever is doing the videos in the apps catalog
Hi Mike, Actually for my AERO reception, the above was just an example of what is possible using the RSP2 directly into MultiPSK. However for normal use, I use the RSP2 with SDRuno running 10 VRX into 10 copies of MultiPSK via VAC, then I can decode 10 Aero frequencies simultaneously and feed them i...
- Sun Aug 11, 2019 10:47 pm
- Forum: General
- Topic: For whomever is doing the videos in the apps catalog
- Replies: 7
- Views: 91000
Re: For whomever is doing the videos in the apps catalog
There should be no problem in getting the RSP receivers to work with MultiPSK. I am currently using it to decode Aero traffic from the Inmarsat satellite using a patch antenna. To use MultiPSK with a RSP2, I do as follows:- 1. Plug in the RSP2 2. Run MultiPSK (Must be the latest full version, not th...
- Sun Jul 28, 2019 11:15 pm
- Forum: General
- Topic: Hi-Z Connector Plug - Where can I purchase in the U.S.?
- Replies: 2
- Views: 18342
Re: Hi-Z Connector Plug - Where can I purchase in the U.S.?
I bought a 10 pack of these from China, they are identical to the one fitted to my RSP2 originally. I think I paid around $2.50 post free.
- Fri Jul 05, 2019 11:20 pm
- Forum: SDRuno
- Topic: sdrouno window snap?
- Replies: 7
- Views: 34267
Re: sdrouno window snap?
Try downloading the program 'Aquasnap', it is free for personal use and can be used to 'Snap' windows together and has a lot of features.
- Sun May 05, 2019 11:54 pm
- Forum: General
- Topic: Digital Decoding Question ?
- Replies: 5
- Views: 31268
Re: Digital Decoding Question ?
The author of MultiPSK has recently produced a test version of MultiPSK which includes a direct I/Q interface with the RSP series of receivers. This version can be downloaded from a link on the multipsk forum at - it was posted on 21 April, so if you join that group you can get a copy.
- Sun Dec 09, 2018 8:45 pm
- Forum: SDRplay related
- Topic: RaspberryPi Image and No Audio
- Replies: 15
- Views: 67259
Re: RaspberryPi Image and No Audio
Thanks very much Mikexeno, I will try that later today.
- Sat Dec 08, 2018 10:35 pm
- Forum: SDRplay related
- Topic: RaspberryPi Image and No Audio
- Replies: 15
- Views: 67259
Re: RaspberryPi Image and No Audio
I get exactly the same here, no audio after connecting to a HTMI monitor. I did a Google search for this and there are dozens of others with the same problems, along with some suggestions for a fix but I have not got it working yet.
- Sat Dec 01, 2018 10:37 pm
- Forum: General
- Topic: Is Windows 10 ok now?
- Replies: 3
- Views: 21758
Re: Is Windows 10 ok now?
There have never been any problems with Windows 10 with SDRs. I have used Windows 10 since the early beta versions and I have RSP1, RSP2, Airspy, Airspy HF+, RTL-SDR, and various Winradios and the whole lot work fine.
- Wed Nov 28, 2018 9:21 pm
- Forum: SDR Antennas
- Topic: MegaDipol MD300DX
- Replies: 4
- Views: 27114
Re: MegaDipol MD300DX
Hi Noel, No, this is not a quiet RF environment, it is a typically suburban one with a fair bit of hash. Bonito do recommend that it works better in a quiet environment, but what antenna does not :-) I am using it as a vertical dipole but have not tried it on beacons etc as there are not many which ...