RSP Spectrum analyzer tool missing "Save spectrum"
Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 1:29 pm
I really like this tool RSP Spectrum analyzer, but I miss a function like "Save spectrum as csv" or in a similar format.
For further data analysis I'm searching for tool which allows to save the spectrum in a readable format, e.g. CSV or TXT.
Such that the observer can perform further analysis on the spectrum,
And I'm willing to spend 100$ for such a function.
Application: Observation of neutral hydrogen at 1420.5 MHz (21 cm hydrogen atomic line) with SDRplay RSP1
For further data analysis I'm searching for tool which allows to save the spectrum in a readable format, e.g. CSV or TXT.
Such that the observer can perform further analysis on the spectrum,
And I'm willing to spend 100$ for such a function.
Application: Observation of neutral hydrogen at 1420.5 MHz (21 cm hydrogen atomic line) with SDRplay RSP1